Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Muskmelonmania 蜜瓜狂熱


Price: $13
Birthplace: Japan

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My glass of rose 呷一口玫瑰

If I could only have two romantic objects in my life, I would choose rose and champagne. And this romantic combination has become one of my favorite drinks ever. The color, sound and taste are all fascinating. Taking a sep of rose, I am drawn into its romanticism.

觀星星, 聽音樂, 飲美酒從來都是一件人生樂事, 打個一瓶香檳,流星般的汽泡從頂部昇起,聽著冒起的節奏,把酒隨隨注入酒杯. 玫瑰的粉紅色令品酒時更添情趣. 它的味道永遠醉人. 這是妙飲家最喜歡的香檳Moet & Chandon, Rose~

Birthplace: France
Brand: Moet & Chandon
Price: HKD640

Pumpkin, corn and sweet tooth 甜入心的香濃米南瓜汁

You really need a sweet tooth before trying this juice. Pumpkin and corn is definitely rich in sugar. It is full of the taste of nature, but it is too sweet for me. I'd suggest to dilute it a little a bit and heat it before drinking. It will certainly be a nice sweep soup.


Birthplace: Canton
Price: RMB 3

Everyone can be noble 平民貝里尼

Under the economic turmoil, drinkalist has to save money for good. Yet xmas celebration can't go without nice drink. And we have this Peace Bellini, this sparkling prace juice is definitely your party partner. Cheap and nice. As a gift, it can boost the atmosphere without spending a lot.

貝里尼原是香檳調配的高檔次雞尾酒,一般酒吧都未必提供.這個平民的貝里尼特飲就為大家提供一個廉價的選擇, 桃味芬芳,送禮又不失大體.經濟不景氣,派對上想大家盡興又不會太破費,這是一個較佳的選擇.

Birthplace: /
Brand: Marks & Spencer
Price: $80

Japanese Greenapple Cider 青森青蘋果蘇打

Aomori prefecture is the northest part of Tohoku, which has a large supply of delicious Greenapple. The prefecture symbol is apple blossom, you can see how famous its greenapple is.
Now we have this delicious greenapple cider, fresh and slightly sour. Remember to keep the can, the Japanese style decoration looks really beautiful.


Birthplace: Japan
Brand: Asahi
Price: /

Jujube Wolfberry Milk 紅棗枸杞牛奶

I am always amazed by the versatility of Chinese medicine. They can be very delicious while maintaining good body health. This Jujube Wolfberry Milk is absolutely nice, which tastes like honey, I can't recall the exact memory yet it tastes like a Chinese desssert. I would be even amazed if it were in jelly form.


Birthplace: Canton
Price: RMB 3

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Greenmouth effect 青青此飲,悠悠我心

Greenapple and cucumber, by my definition, are signs of refreshingness. I come across this wonderful drinks weeks ago, and eventually I come to realize that I cant resist to the addiction. Slightly sweet and sour, but it is absolutely pleasant to soak your tongue on the fresh sensation.


Birthplace: HongKong
Brand: Vita
Price: HKD 5

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Greenbean adventure 味覺大冒險

Raw and real. It is an adventure. Greenbean and soymilk is a very special combination that you wont forget. Eventually I find that my favorite combination shall be coconut and soymilk.


Birthplace: Canton
Brand: Yeo's
Price: RMB 3

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Let's drink the star 月既不可飲, 星星作替身

Starfruit juice is one of the most romantic juice ever. It has several tastes of love, the tender sweetness, the tiny bit of sourness, as well as slightly saltiness. The complicated sensation on your tongue is a wonderful drinking experience.

楊桃被外國人稱為星星果,全因其獨有外形. 它的味道同樣是別樹一格, 微甜, 帶極小的酸和咸, 卻又十分解渴. 臺灣小吃眾多, 其中油炸物倒不少, 伴楊桃汁來吃, 配搭就最對位.

Birthplace: Taiwan
Price: NT10

From Taiwan with Milk 臺灣鮮牛乳

Mizuho is a famous farmland in Taiwan, its agricultural abundance is top of the island. Today we have its dairy product everywhere in Taiwan. Mizuho milk is something you shall never miss.


Birth Place: Taiwan
Price: NT28

Squeeze the milk from papaya 從木瓜榨取牛奶

Chinese people superstitiously believes that shape alike can cure. And so papaya can build your breast. I dun have yet I can strongly sense the richness from the Papaya milk. The natural taste of papaya really makes me doubted whether one can squeeze the milk from a papaya, they are just perfectly matched!

中國人迷信以形補形, 木瓜可豐胸成了一個宗教. 妙飲家念大學時弄過一大盆木瓜雪耳糖水,就被宿舍的女生一掃而空, 自此就相信這個宗教已經深入民心. 這一款木瓜牛奶據盒上說是用巴西木瓜果肉新鮮製作, 一飲之下感覺絕不造作, 宛如從木瓜榨出來一樣自然美味.

Birth Place: Taiwan
Price: NT40

When Plum meets Tomato 當梅子遇上蕃茄

A romantic endeavour begins in Taiwan, the wild tomato meets sweety plum by accident. Many may think this combination is sour and sad, yet the true story is often beyond one's expectation. The couple gets along really well, no artificial feeling. Their apparantly sour image indeed scare people off, in face they are truly nice and sweet.
典型的臺灣浪漫故事,粗野的蕃茄偶然邂逅可愛的梅子.在眾多人不看好的情況下,兩人的合拍和甜蜜超越了旁觀者的想像,他們的故事沒有酸溜溜的情節,也沒有牽強的感覺. 如果要為他們的人生作一短評, 我會用 甜美 兩個字.
Birth Place: Taiwan
Price: NT35